14 Apr 2023
PATCH NOTES 14/04/2023
Version: 0.19.3-7451
We looked into your bug reports and feedback, pushed some buttons around, and fixed what we could fix. We will keep on researching and testing known issues and hope to patch them in the near future.
Fixed Bravo Zulu Missile Strike ability server crash:
- Bravo Zulu’s missile strike caused the server to crash due to invalid location calculations in some cases
Fixed Death Run damage resistances affecting PvP:
- Damage reduction of 25% from some sources was applied to Daye, Pyro, Bravo Zulu, and Noble
- Improved logging and error gathering on client and server
Known Issues
Character not respawning after death - Looking for a repro case:
- To clear the issue, press the Character Switching key (default H on PC) and press Select.
Countdown audio volume is not lowered when the overall audio volume is lowered.
Spectator mode:
- Match scores background (pressing TAB) is shifted to the side.
Friends list:
- Friends can appear offline even when online. We are investigating the issue, no eta on a fix.
- Can appear invisible on the player’s screen while being visible to other players
- The invisibility reveal indicator is broken.
We appreciate all feedback and bug reports, don't hesitate to join our Discord to chat with other players and report the good and the bad to us. We want to hear it!